- for those who care.

ALZLive is a new website for caregivers - particularly those who care for people with Alzheimer's. The site officially launched this week:

They liked my candid approach towards caregiving and asked me to be a columnist. My first two posts are on the new site (they're reprints of articles I've written elsewhere), but you can expect to see new, original content and a few more reprints in the coming weeks. 

My column is called, Now What and my first two articles are about helping caregivers and how people misunderstand the impact of Alzheimer's. 

You really want to help? Don't ask, do! (14 tips) gives you 14 tips for helping caregivers.

It's not just about losing your memory helps readers understand the misconceptions that come with an Alzheimer's diagnosis. 

Follow Alzlive on Twitter and let me know if there are any topics you would like for me to discuss.