The US transportation system is not designed for the fringe.

An urban planner friend shared an article on Facebook about how the US transportation fails the elderly after they are unable to drive. It's a fascinating read touching on many of the topics I've written about (driverless cars, aging in place), but from an urban planning perspective. 

My friend is a pedestrian advocate, a city dweller, a runner and a conscientious family member. Over the years, we've talked a lot about his profession, which I find fascinating, and he's shown interest in my work advocating for people to design for the fringe audience instead of the typical target audience. I believe many of the urban planners today are like my friend and they are taking into consideration the entire population, and not just the perfectly abled who have lots of money. 

I encourage you all to read this article and remember that designing for the fringe is not about designing for others, it's about designing for another version of yourself

With that thought in mind, I encourage you to read Once seniors are too old to drive, our transportation system totally fails them by Joseph Stromberg for Vox and to consider:

It’s about coming up with solutions that change people’s lives but are also beautiful. Those things aren’t isolated.
— James Wisniewski, the senior associate director of architecture at Michael Graves Architecture & Design to the National Endowment for the Arts